gratis Counter by GOWEB
Gratis Counter by GOWEB

Sta-De Testmaterialien


We deliver all test material needed for preparation of Small Cakes according to IEC 60350 Ed 2 and EN 60350.
One 'Dough mixture pack' contains these amounts needed for preparation of ca. 50 Small Cakes.

Overview of material delivered according to the number of  'Dough mixture packs' ordered.


Why to use standardised test material?
- Our quality approach

- Delivery, storage and preparation.


Order list


Conditions for delivery


Background report on test material (UBonn)

Results of 'Small Cakes' round robin test organised by Universität Bonn, Sektion Haushaltstechnik

Delivery will be direct to your location using dry-ice (frozen CO2) for keeping frozen goods frozen.

Please ensure our delivery will be picked up immediately and frozen goods will be transfered to a freezer again a.s.a.p..
When opening our frozen packs, please use gloves to avoid buring fingers on touching dry-ice. Let remaining dry-ice evaporate to the ambient.
